Ultimate Lash Prep Guide: Before Appointment & Aftercare Tip

Prep Yourself Before Lash Appointment And Aftercare Tips

admin April 5, 2023

Excited! For your lash appointment. At last, you have successfully stolen time from your busy life for yourself. As you readily anticipate, your perm looks without uneven lashes and a bunch of liquid mascara, but there are things you must not forget before your appointment with the eyelash salon. Definitely, you do not desire your stolen time results in an unpleasant look. Pre-prep is better than dissatisfaction with appearance you desire.

You must go to your appointment with a clear mind and be well prepared. Tips to keep you calm and the absolute necessities you must know to make you comfortable throughout the session. For the smooth completion of the process, it is necessary that you are well prepared so your artist is also relaxed and ready to work on your lashes. Here are some tips for you to remember before your appointment.

No makeup

Liquid mascara is your enemy for a smooth, beautiful look. You must stop wearing liquid mascara two days before the appointment. Even after deep cleansing, there will be little remains, which will prevent the adhesive from bonding properly, and you may experience premature lash loss. If you feel uncomfortable not wearing makeup, you can wear base makeup like foundation and bronzer, but the eye area must be clean and makeup free. However, a bare-faced beauty is best for your artist to create an artistic look.

Avoid Caffeine

For many of us, morning coffee is a must; without a cup of caffeine, we can’t make ourselves free from sleepy heads completely. If this is the case, then here is the news; avoid coffee at least four hours before your lash appointment. What does coffee do? After caffeine, we get the sudden energy burst, and we get the jitters, and our legs do the twitching thing. Imagine you are trying to shut your eyelids, and this all happens; difficult, right? This is why we suggest you avoid coffee.

Comfort is must

This is not a high-bar fashion kind of appointment. Dress up comfortably and nicely for your appointment as you are going to lie down for a couple of hours with little chance to move around. Your attire must be quite nice and cozy so as not to make you feel uncomfortable. We also suggest you bring a light jumper, in case you feel cold. Don’t tie up your hair too tight and high or scrape back to avoid any discomfort.

Arrive early but with no cell phones

It is always better to reach early than on time, and being late should not be an option. Your early arrival at a lash salon can give you the opportunity to have a good productive chat with your beautician. Take a good hot shower and come to the appointment with a fresh and clean mind and eyes. Switch off your phone at the time of the procedure to avoid distractions. We know it is difficult to stay away from your phone, but it helps you to relax and your beautician to concentrate.

Aftercare Tips!

Before the appointment, prep is a must, but aftercare is also necessary. Here are some important tips for aftercare:

  • Do not touch or rub your eyes and take extra care for the first 24 hours
  • Avoid getting them wet for 48 hours after the lash appointment
  • Condition your lashes timely and treat them gently
  • Do not use any harsh products and products with oil contains
  • Clean with eyelash cleanser every three days
  • Do not sleep on your face
  • Groom your eyelashes daily and skip using an eyelash curler

If a fresh grooming look requires some do’s and don’ts, then there must not be a hesitation to follow it. A well-shaped lash elevates the overall look of your face without a doubt. Follow the steps to be prepared and confident, and the rest will be handled by your expert lash artists.

Book an appointment now!